Statement from the Editor on the Attempted Assassination of President Donald Trump and the Reprehensible Fake News Media

July 17, 2024


Danny Snyder


While watching the video of President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally on Saturday – I heard the gunshots and saw him swipe at his ear and duck to the ground as he was tackled by Secret Service. I could hardly breathe waiting to know if he was badly hurt. The horrible possibilities of what might happen in our country if he was seriously injured or killed started running through my mind.

I can’t describe the relief and gratitude to God Almighty I felt when Donald Trump stood up again under his own power and gave that brave, defiant, and determined look at the crowd. With blood running down his face, he pumped his fist in the air, and told them to “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Giving us what I believe will become one of the most iconic moments in all American history:

President Donald Trump raises his fist in defiance of the attempt on his life at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Trump already proved that he is a resolute and stalwart leader. He pursued his goal to Make America Great Again despite all the pitfalls and hoaxes proffered by his enemies, who did everything they could to stop him from making life better for everyday Americans and securing a future for this country free of a globalist agenda. But Saturday showed us more deeply than ever just how great a man Donald Trump truly is.

Last month, President Trump repeated something he has said many times,

Never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because, quite simply, I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. In the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just standing in their way, and I always will.

An injured President Donald Trump seeking cover after his attempted assassination.

President Trump has proven these words over and over in his actions, not just his words, and Saturday’s events proved that for all time. Shortly after he was taken away from the scene of the attempted assassination, he was asked by a reporter if he had a message for his supporters. He replied, “Can you just tell them I love them? Just tell them I love them and I appreciate them.”

The act of hate that was carried out against him was so egregious that it could have altered the fate of the free world forever, yet President Trump responded with love. And he didn’t stop there – before the day was out, he had extended his condolences to the families of the man who was killed and those who were injured by the shooter. He kicked off a fundraiser for them which raised over $2 million within 24 hours.

Conversely, Trump’s enemies have repeatedly called for violence against Trump and his supporters, including a since-deleted social media post from Joe Biden stating, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

One media talking head tried to turn around what just happened and lay the sin of using “violent rhetoric” at the feet of Trump and his supporters, using statements clearly taken out of context. It is lies like these constantly parroted by the fake news that are the reason we almost lost President Trump on Saturday, and one innocent victim is dead.

The legacy media completely ignores the thousands of social media posts from leftists decrying that the assassin missed the President and urging him to improve his aim. These are not relegated to no-name accounts, but include people in the inner circle of Democrat politicians, such as this post from a staffer for Congressman Bennie Goodman who headed the J6 Commission:

I rewatched the footage of the assassination attempt several times. I paid close attention to the reaction of the crowd. Considering what they were in the middle of, they were preternaturally calm. They showed concern for each other and the President. There was no stampede to get out. No one was panicking. They cheered and chanted, “USA! USA! USA!” when they saw Trump get up. One reporter was so moved by the kindness and consideration the attendees showed to one another that she became emotional on camera.

The decent American people who support President Trump come from all backgrounds, creeds, races, and political parties. They simply want their country to prosper and be free of the globalist agenda that is attempting to squeeze them out of existence. The legacy media who is constantly abusing them certainly deserve the moniker of “Fake News.”

At first the more ridiculous media outlets were falling all over themselves to try to avoid reporting what was obvious to anyone who watched the rally and had a brain – that there had just been an assassination attempt on President Trump. They referred to the shots as “popping noises” and tried to characterize Trump ducking for cover as a “fall.” They said he was “startled by loud noises” – no doubt to attempt to bring him down to the level of the obviously physically unstable and mentally declining Joe Biden.

MSNBC is still not quite sure whether the shooter was making a serious attempt to take Trump’s life, even though he successfully sent a bullet within millimeters of Trump’s brain:

The other thing that is obvious is the fact that bullets were fired at the President means by definition there was a Secret Service failure. Just how intentional and coordinated that failure was is yet to be determined. But it’s not looking good for the Secret Service. At least two eyewitnesses reported that they saw a man climbing on the roof with a rifle and tried to get law enforcement to do something while there was still plenty of time to get the President to safety or take out the assassin before he was able to fire his weapon. This colossal failure ultimately lies at the head of the Secret Service – Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas – the same man who is under fire for leaving our southern border wide open to tens of millions of illegal migrants. Of course, the fake news is also ridiculing anyone who points out these obvious facts as “conspiracy theorists:”

The same fake news that is quick to scream “disinformation” whenever they hear anything that contradicts the narrative they are trying to sell, literally cropped out the American flag that was waving behind Trump when publishing a picture of the scene, and they tried to characterize the clear assassination attempt as just “a shooting:”

Saturday’s events made clear that the legacy media is dead. Sure, they’re still spouting lies on an hourly basis and whipping their few remaining listeners into a Trump Derangement Syndrome frenzy. They are likely even creating more would-be assassins with their actual violent rhetoric. But alternative media can now run circles around legacy media in getting accurate information out to the public within minutes of events unfolding. The public is waking up to the disgusting hypocrisy of the legacy media they used to trust. And they are on the verge of throwing it off entirely.

President Trump was the catalyst to bring this exposure and awakening about. May God bless and preserve President Donald Trump. All of us at the Estancia News pray for his recovery and renewed resolve to continue to lead this country toward truth, life, liberty, and justice for all.

Written by Danny Snyder