Am I the only one concerned that boys and girls may share bathrooms at school? A recent article from the daily caller revealed “If Schools Don’t Let Boys Into Girls’ Bathrooms, Biden Will Take Their Lunch Money | The Daily Caller” ? The article states:

“All state and local agencies that receive Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) funding, including schools, will have to update their non-discrimination policies to include protections for gender identity and must investigate any allegations of discrimination on the basis of gender identity, according to a May 5 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announcement. Obama-era guidance interpreting Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to prohibit gender-identity discrimination stated that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom, locker room and shower facility that matches their gender identity.”

by Laurel Duggan | May 25, 2022

I’m sorry, but what? Why should my children’s breakfasts and lunches have anything to do with bathrooms? I do not fear any child going hungry as a result of the new edict. I know our school district would never allow that. That means, however, the Estancia Municipal School District will feel obligated to comply with these new guidelines and allow the gender-bathroom issues to become part of our schools. Our District will say again, “what option do we have? We need that money from the government.”

Will the District even have a conversation with the parents to go over any possible options? Or will we merely be told that this is what is happening, after it is already happening?

I was discussing this article with someone when my unprompted 11-year-old daughter said, “but that means creepy boys could come in the bathroom.”

Boys and Girls May Share Bathrooms

What Will be the Consequences of this Change?

Maybe every kid won’t suddenly hatch a plan to go into the bathroom of the opposite sex, but we do not fully understand the impact this decision will have on children. Has the impact of a similar change in bathroom policy in another jurisdiction been studied and reported yet?

Opening the doors to the bathrooms could mean opening the door to all sorts of other unintended consequences no one can claim to fully understand. Shouldn’t every community get to decide for themselves what is best for their children? Why are we always beholden to the funds from the federal government, that actually come from our very own pockets?

According to the Daily Caller article, Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean said, “No one should be denied access to nutritious food simply because of who they are or how they identify.” I agree, but I don’t think anyone was being denied food for those reasons.

Apparently, now millions of children will be denied access to nutritious food, at school, if their school districts don’t do exactly what the government tells them to do, and when to do it. I can’t wait for the day when everyone is forced to donate one kidney “for the good of humanity.” Maybe we will wake up then; but I won’t hold my breath.