Estancia Municipal School District recently formed two School Advisory Councils (SAC): The Primary School Advisory Council and the Secondary School Advisory Council. A SAC is required under New Mexico state statute 22-5-16. It is still unclear why a SAC didn’t already exist, since it is the law, but the usual response to such questions places the blame on Covid.
The two councils are scheduled to have their first meetings on Wednesday, July 27th, to discuss the needs of the schools. The High School website states, “This group, comprised of parents, staff, and community members provides advice and counsel on instructional issues, curricula, and the budget and develops creative ways to involve parents in the school. Click HERE for more information regarding this vital committee.”
Again, I’m not sure why such a “vital committee” is only now being created, but at least it is finally being established. The plan is for these councils to meet four times a year, to go over these items.
One major concern is that, not everyone who applied was selected to serve on a council. This might not seem to be a problem, but it is. During the last school board meeting, held on June 13th, the board discussed the details of forming these councils. During the meeting, the Estancia Municipal School District Board members revised the policy on SACs. They changed the policy to say that the councils will have up to 7 parents, 7 staff members, and up to 7 community members.

So, if there are only 3 parents who join the SAC, then there can only be 3 staff members, and up to 3 community members. So, there will never be more staff or community members than there are parents. Additionally, if more than 7 people apply from any of the groups (parents or community members), then an election will determine who serves.
The council members have been announced. Neither council is at capacity according to the revised SAC policy, because parent, staff, and community vacancies remain on both councils. I wrote to both Principals, who serve as the chairmen of the councils, but have yet to hear back from either of them.
Unfortunately, the Principals announced the councils and their corresponding members right before their 3-week vacations commenced. The principals do not have access to their school emails, because their employment contracts ended. The administration does not return until the week of July 25th.
The Superintendent has been in and out of her office this summer due to vacations and illness. My most recent email to her regarding this matter remains unanswered. Additionally, the community members who applied and were not selected to serve on the councils have not been contacted.
I am on the Primary School Advisory Committee as a community member. While I am grateful to have “made the cut,” I do not understand the logic in appointing me and not someone who applied before I applied, and in plain view of the camera during a School Board Meeting.
I am told that there are several people who applied but were not selected to serve on the councils. If the councils are not fully staffed by parents and community members, why have applicants been excluded from participating? I disclosed to Principal Gonzales my intention to make transparent to the public all known details pertaining to the councils. I will share what I know and learn about the councils, and I would appreciate any feedback others might have about this matter be shared with me directly. Please feel free to email me at [email protected].
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