Mountainair Police Chief Juan Reyes Resigned His Position

September 2, 2022


Jennette Hunt


On August 22nd during the Torrance County Juvenile Justice Board meeting, Mountainair School Superintendent Dawn Apodaca was asked whether anyone would attend on behalf of the Mountainair Police Department. She said there were no longer any police offers employed by Mountainair. Her response prompted Juvenile Justice Continuum Coordinator, Rebecca Armstrong, to announce that Mountainair Police Chief Juan Reyes resigned his position, effective August 31st.

Members of the Board attempted contacting the Mountainair Police Department but were connected instead to Torrance County Dispatch. Dispatch suggested we direct our questions regarding the police department to the Mountainair Town Hall. When attempting to reach the Mountainair Town Hall by phone, we were connected to the voicemail of Billing Clerk Esperanza Luna.

We previously reported on some of the conflicts in Mountainair within its Police Department. At the town meeting on August 2nd, Councilor Ernie Lopez voiced his concerns about Police Chief Reyes and the possible corruption alleged of him. Councilperson Lopez had submitted proposed agenda discussion items, but Mayor Nieto denied his request.

Reyes resigned

The next town meeting took place on August 16th, but no mention was made about the police department. This may have been because the meeting took place on Zoom, instead of in person. This may have been to keep the public quiet during in the meeting, as they suggested during the August 2nd meeting.

We were unsuccessful in confirming Chief Reyes’ employment status with Mountainair. We contacted Councilor Ernie Lopez to ascertain whether the town council had any answers for us. The Councilor responded,

“Unfortunately, I am not kept in the loop and have no idea if there is even a letter of resignation, so you may have to do an IPRA. I’m sorry but thanks for reaching out.”

It is unclear why Mr. Lopez was “not kept in the loop.” However, this can be added to the list of controversies surrounding the current mayoral administration.

On August 25th, we received information from Private Investigator, Carlos McMahon, about Police Chief Reyes. He provided a copy of a letter from Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, dated June 1st, 2022. The letter was addressed to Chief Reyes and states,

“I have chosen to exercise my authority under Article V, Section 5 of the New Mexico Constitution to remove you from your Governor-appointed position on the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board. Your removal from the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board is effective immediately.”

Chief Reyes Suspension

The Governor acted against Chief Reyes, but why didn’t Mayor Nieto? In addition to the letter from the Governor, Mr. McMahon also shared with us an email that he sent to Town Clerk Dennis Fulfer. Mr. McMahon did not parse his words in the request for records he submitted:

“Good morning Dennis, et. al.


I am requesting the following information, concerning Juan Reyes:

1. I am requesting a letter of (resignation),

2. I am requesting the letter of Juan being placed on (leave), with pay or without pay,

3. I am requesting the letter of (termination),

4. I am requesting Juan’s letter of (retirement),

5. I am requesting the letter, if Juan Reyes, has (quit) without notice,

6. I am requesting any letters from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) or the Law Enforcement Academy (LEA), requesting that Juan be placed on leave or terminated, pending further investigation, etc,.

7. I am requesting a picture of Juan’s patrol vehicle (ODOMETER); now that it is parked, in front of the police station.

Dennis, now that we have (ZERO) police officers, in our town of Mountainair. Especially after, I have given you, Peter Nieto, and all the governing body, the facts, that were vetted and obtained via the Inspection of Public Records Act, that we potentially, may have a police chief, who is a FRAUD, and needed to be looked into. Peter, and some of the governing body, placed our town and it’s residents, in harms way; especially since, Juan has used many aliases: (i.e., MULTIPLE NAMES, MULTIPLE DATES OF BIRTH and Social Security Numbers), all obtained via-IPRA!!!

Also, Juan Reyes turned in a fraudulent and fictitious application and resume, to the Town of Mountainair, and also submitted a fraudulent resume and application to be on the State of New Mexico’s law Enforcement Academy (LEA). Subsequently, the Governor of New Mexico removed Juan Reyes from being on the LEA-BOARD. (See the letter from Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham, removing Juan Reyes, from the LEA BOARD).

The Governor did the right thing.

Peter Nieto, et. al., failed to do the right thing.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rev, Carlos McMahon, BSB/A, HrM.

New Mexico, Retired,

Private Investigator #3276

License is Current

Written by Jennette Hunt