New Mexico’s Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver Just Sent 100,000 Invitations to Register to Vote, Likely Including Illegal Migrants

October 7, 2024


Danny Snyder


As the nation is still processing the news that 218,000 people were added to Arizona’s voter rolls without proof of U.S. citizenship, a similar scandal is unfolding in New Mexico.

A resident from Chaves County who has lived at her address for eleven years received five official election postcards from New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. The postcards are addressed to five different individuals with different last names who do not reside at the address and are unknown to the resident. They are all being invited to register to vote by the Secretary of State:

Official Election Mail from Maggie Toulouse Oliver to Individuals with Fraudulent Addresses

Attempting to find out who is fraudulently using her address and how Toulouse Oliver came to invite these people to register to vote, the resident who received these official postcards immediately alerted her County Clerk, Cindy Fuller. Fuller in turn requested an investigation by local law enforcement who have so far done nothing.

“I take my job as the Chaves County Clerk very seriously and when I’m contacted about potential voter fraud, I am going to reach out to the authorities who can investigate. I took an oath to protect the integrity of elections. These are serious allegations and voters deserve to know the truth,” Fuller told the Estancia News.

According to the Chaves County Clerk, 100,000 postcards like this have been mailed out statewide. How many of those are to individuals who are fraudulently using someone else’s mailing address? And perhaps more importantly, how many of these cards are potentially going to illegal migrants?

The Estancia News reached out to the Secretary of State’s Office to ask how the 100,000 names were compiled and what effort was made to ensure they were legitimate. We have yet to hear back.

Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver

It is known that invitations to register to vote are generated from reports prepared by the much-criticized program called ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center). ERIC was founded by Democrats with funding from the Soros Open Society Foundation. ERIC claims to help member states “clean their voter rolls,” but what they really appear to do is scour public records to find people in participating states that are not registered to vote and then get the state to send those people official invitations to register to vote.

The main source used by ERIC to dig up potential registrants is the Motor Vehicle Department database. New Mexico is one of many states which will provide driver’s licenses to illegal migrants. However, ERIC has written into their contract that they don’t want any information on citizenship when they receive states’ official data to run through their process. ERIC certainly isn’t weeding out non-citizens when they create their list of potential voters, and judging by these postcards, neither is the Secretary of State.

How did five individuals all with different last names come to be associated with an address where they clearly don’t live? Are they legally in the United States? And why is Maggie Toulouse Oliver using taxpayer funds to invite them to sign up to vote? Is ERIC the origin of this election interference?

This latest postcard fiasco is reminiscent of the months leading up to the 2020 election when a leftist non-profit called the Center for Voter Information mailed 400,000 absentee ballot applications to New Mexicans. Huge numbers of these applications were addressed to people who did not live at the addresses where they were mailed. Some were next-of-kin to real residents but were reported to have never lived in New Mexico. The ballot applications, many of them addressed to bogus “voters,” resulted in massive numbers of duplicate ballot applications which placed a heavy burden on county clerks, and New Mexicans were left questioning the integrity of the absentee voting process and their elections in general.

The difference between the 2020 incident and this one, is that this latest fiasco is being carried out by the Secretary of State herself, not just an unscrupulous third party.

On the eve of what is the most important election in our lifetime, and at a time when American’s confidence in their elections is at an all-time low, New Mexicans deserve a real investigation into what is going on at the Secretary of State’s office.

Written by Danny Snyder