You may want to start If you don’t already attend your local town or county meetings. The recent Town of Mountainair Council meeting was a sight to see. If you didn’t attend in person on August 2nd, the majority of the happenings were recorded on video and published on James Freeman’s channel.

The town proceedings didn’t start until about the 41:30-minute mark. During roll call, it was noted many officials would not be in attendance. One of those people was Chief Reyes who had “an ear infection.” It was suggested by Councilman Ernie Lopez to move up public comment. The Mayor said, “no,” multiple times, instead of putting it to a council vote.

Councilman Lopez stated that he had been trying to get some items on the agenda for months, with no success. Mayor Nieto said some of the items proposed for discussion were “bogus.”

Next, Councilman Lopez replied that everything he proposed “concerned public safety and improper expenditures”. The Mayor continued to dismiss them.

At around the 56-minute mark, Mayor Peter Nieto tried to have the board approve the agenda. Abruptly, the crown began yelling and banging on chairs.

If you are confused at this point, you are not alone. The meeting was confusing. Gratefully, later in the video (125:30) James Freeman, the videographer, explains what was happening.

“So, they held a vote to vote on the agenda and uh since peter wouldn’t put things on the agenda that needed to be on there, such as putting Chief Juan Reyes on paid administrative leave because he has a “LEA90” investigation on him; which peter said makes it so that you can’t be an active law enforcement officer in Mountainair. So, the council members, for the safety of the public, tried to put it on the agenda to um put him on administrative leave tonight because he has an “890” complaint against him. Peter’s own words…and peter refused to do it.”

He continued,

“So, the council didn’t approve the agenda, so and Peter tried to move on anyways without an approved agenda. Without the approval of the council. Because he’s not gonna put it on the agenda to get rid of Juan Reyes. It needs to be voted on so we can be 100% sure that when Gail Jones and Dustin Kaiser and Peter Nieto vote not to get rid of a chief, with multiple violations, then their bond is at risk. So, we need them to vote on it. Because we have to see their official decision. And we know they’re gonna vote no.”

Freeman further stated he thought a recall election on Peter Nieto was likely.

As the Council continued trying to conduct the meeting, various citizens called out to the council to stop. A woman on the council, who I couldn’t identify, called out, “you people can’t even respectfully conduct yourselves, that you want these put on the agenda, but yet you act like this.”

Town of Mountainair
The town where the most exciting public meetings happen, every time.

Several people in the audience said, “This is our town!” Town citizen Edwina Hewitt yelled, “civil disobedience is not against the law. It’s a constitutional right.” James Freeman shouted, “we just want to put items on the agenda.”

After some time the council went to recess to await the police to come and possibly make the citizens stop disrupting (approximately minute 104). “I want representative government, that’s why I’m here, and YOU are NOT representative.” Edwina Hewitt roared.

At minute 118, James Freeman told Peter, “I think it’s sad Peter, cause I saw you speak on the news when you had that past police chief and it seemed like you were really with the people. And I think that’s the reason you got voted in twice. I do. So, I mean, for me, I think it’s sad.” An unidentified man responded, “James that was a front so that he (the Mayor) can be right there where he’s at.”

Eventually, a police Sergeant arrived, and the council continued to try to resume the meeting. Shortly afterward, the Meeting was adjourned. (137:55)

As the citizens began to leave, a man approached the Police office and said something, to which the Police Officer (Badge #285) responded, “That’s someone’s first amendment. They’re not violently protesting. That’s a peaceful protest.” Lady yelled at the end that they should have used the public comment time instead of disturbing the meeting.

After the meeting, chaos erupted with name calling and yelling. Outside the building, one woman allegedly “put hands on” a young pregnant woman. James Freeman pleaded with everyone to continue to peacefully protest and not become violent. Many cameras were reported to have captured the alleged assaults. One man was left bleeding on his arm from trying to break up the fight.

The crowd dispersed shortly afterward when the police officer stepped in and called for backup. According to the town website, the next meeting is scheduled for August 16th at 6 pm. Estancia News would like to commend the professionalism of the Sheriffs Deputies responding to the meeting.