Torrance County Commission Meeting Nov 9th

November 15, 2022


Michael Godey


In public comment again voting issues came up. Long lines in some polling places were experienced. Police rather than poll workers suggesting going to another location to avoid the wait could be seen as intimidating. Instructed not to use blue pens and not allowed to take a picture of one’s own ballot, in spite of statute stating otherwise ,was a concern. Concern for a voter ID was a concern and the possible use of nonpartisan poll challengers. The voter roll was brought up; were all addresses and birthdays correct? Was what being instructed at election school according to statute?

According to the county manager the voter turnout was about 50%.

While tax bills state the first half was due Nov 10th, one can pay the amount before Dec 10th without a penalty. Payment plans are available. The new software has created some confusion on the bill, so contact the treasure’s office if the bill appears incorrect.

Legislative priories include: funds for transportation to prisons, for energy mandated services, for a public safety package, for court house and pubic records in elections. Another issue of concern is lack of staffing, including but not limited to detention staffing. An idea is to eliminate rules that stop state retirees from working part time. Staffing issues also have effected EMTs and road departments statewide. Road issues expressed by a resident in Cedarville seem to be in good part due to lack staff. Questioned were simply pay increases the best way to get and obtain staff. Contracting out for some services was suggested as an option, but staffing also effects contractors.

Charlene Guffy mentioned the importance to honor veterans and the work of Tracy Master. She also thanked the poll workers and staff involved in the election.

Ambulance services is an ongoing issue, The county is working with Moriarty to coordinate services between the municipalities and the possibility of a new contract with Superior Ambulance to have one ambulance available when needed.

District 2 fire station improvements are on hold due to septic tank issues. One tanks is not as described and not up the code. The quote received (about 15K) for a new one seemed high to the commission, so the county will look for another quote.

Grant rewards for 300K for a fire vehicle appeared to be too small for the vehicle as described (447K) so the commission instructed the county to look for a vehicle within the 300K price range. Other fire apparatus grants will move foreword.

Tracy Master was approved as a candidate as a representative an opium prevention treatment study nationwide. 33 appointments will be selected. A DWI grant reapplication was approved by the county.

The county manager is investigating 313 missing ballots. The county could move forward on some type of possible warrant and court order on probable cause on primary election discrepancies.

A special meeting will be held on Thursday Nov 17th to certify election results. It may include a decision on ambulances services, as well as vehicle and septic tank purchases for the fire department.

In my opinion staff shortages statewide might also in some part explain the poor communication with tax and revenue. Could issues in some questionable early releases have as a factor the need for safer prisons, which includes mentioned staffing issues? A second issue, apparent from the county clerk’s irresponsibility, is the possibility of some poor employee performance statewide. Another issue may be the party “religious” divide that may ignore concerns of those in the other party “religion.” The “team” mentality at times may try to project the “correctness” of their “side.” An example; voting corruption and protecting the corruption, donkey and elephant, historically as I pointed out before, has happened.

Nepotism, as pointed out a the previous meeting, is a concern. See Think New Mexico’s recent publication’ for concern on that issue in school boards.

Michael Godey