Torrance County Commission Meeting Oct 27

November 9, 2022


Michael Godey


Public comment in general praised the county manager, Janet Barela for her role in the unofficial hand count of ballots from the primary election. As in the last meeting, questions were raised about the voting machines. In terms of the county clerk it was mentioned she was not the first elected county employee who practiced nepotism. Did she or who tampered with county or state election records? Again the question was raised, why were democrat results fairly accurate and not those from the other parties? Again the need for paper ballots was raised. Was procedure not followed by design by the secretary of state? It was pointed out only Willard was not connected to the internet and had no major errors in results, while the other sites were connected. Using blue pens was suggested that might not be easily altered for false results. Hand tallying was recommended and to not use drop boxes. Steven Garret stated that codes in the constitution are not being followed. Also was questioned were source codes properly used and up to date? Suggested was to hire an independent auditor. In another comment why not question the secretary of state and compared her lack of response to a theology.

According to comment an AP article misrepresented the county process and findings based on the fact the results did not change the results in spite of gross errors reported. The question was raised did similar mistakes happen in other counties, which might have seriously effected the results?

Another comment stated that he was willing to serve as county clerk.

The deputy county clerk stated that the county has no active drop boxes and as I recall when open received few ballots.

While it appears having no serious effect on the audit, the commission agreed to correct an error on the board of registration and election board, which according to statute cannot have duel membership. Until now also had 2 members and 2 alternates. The commission agree with the manager to a 3 member board as required. The board by statute cannot have more than 2 members from any one party. The county manager presented board members, Gail Jones, Michele Jones (unrelated) and Sandra Ness; one each from the republican, democrat, and libertarian party. The commission agreed.

The county grant update will provide more opportunities in the juvenile justice board adding new facilitators for Mountainair schools, the Classical Academy. The county will also receive a grant that is fairly open ended, while can be used for health, safety, education, economic development, transportation, community development, water, tech etc.

The fire department will have medical billing transferred to their operating budget.

According to the county manager the county had about 32% registered voters vote in the primaries. She hopes the turn out will be better in the general election. Check the county website for times and locations.

Someone also read part of the Declaration of Independence. On that note I will add my opinion a “more perfect union” is a process. While there is much objectionable about the mudslinging, vote. Be part of the process even if we can do better. I thank all who strive to hold those elected accountable, donkey or elephant.* Progressive republican cartoonist Thomas Nast popularized those mascots; one as stubborn as a donkey and the other a blind charging elephant. “Progressive republican” in the late 18th century was more or less the party on Lincoln and Nast exposed Tammany Hall corruption in NYC. He was somewhat disillusioned by both parties to say the least.

Michael Godey