April 12, 2023



Danny Snyder


Yesterday we broke the story that tied the monitoring of elections to a massive censorship scheme, previously uncovered, in part, by the US House of Representatives:

The Department of Homeland Security’s private partner, Center for Internet Security (CIS), installed “Albert Sensors” all over the United States to monitor real-time data in election jurisdictions down to the county level. The program was present in only a handful of states in 2016, but was massively expanded after Donald Trump’s 2016 upset victory over Hilary Clinton.

While Albert Sensors quickly proliferated across the United States’ election infrastructure, CIS worked with left-wing NGOs, election officials, and Twitter, to set up a powerful censorship operation to squash all discussion of irregularities and fraud observed in the 2020 election.

What a coincidence.

Not only is CIS in the monitoring and censorship business, but they also piloted a faux-certification program called RABET-V—where they hired the owner of an electronic ballot delivery company to lead an effort to conclude that the nation’s “non-voting technology” (i.e. electronic pollbooks, election night reporting, etc.)—are “safe and secure.”

After the story broke this morning – a Twitter user reached out with a screenshot from this document about the RABET-V program published last month by CIS.

The tweet highlighted the fact that the Democracy Fund, a radical leftist NGO, provided the funding for the RABET-V program. The tweet was censored to “limited visibility” within hours.

Excerpt from CIS’s “RABET-V Final Pilot Summary and Next Steps”

The RABET-V pilot technology partners include Electronic Systems & Software (ES&S), Runbeck, KnowINK (owner of BPro), and VR Systems. The state of South Carolina donated their voter registration system to the project. All these companies have been highlighted by election integrity investigators and independent auditors as having major issues with their software and credibility with the public at large.

The team who developed and administered the RABET-V program had two representatives from CIS and the rest were from a shadow election consultant company called “The Turnout.”

Information on The Turnout is truncated on their website, but here’s a description of what The Turnout does in their own words: “Together with our clients, we’ve helped governments perform security self-assessments and upgrade their cybersecurity, visualize, and analyze their processes, and standardize and validate their elections data. Our projects range from data analysis and policy research to technology development, project administration, business process modeling, marketing, and more.”

Reading The Turnout’s “Articles” collection on their website reveals their biases. One article titled, “Reflecting on the 2020 Elections,” begins with Senior Policy Specialist stating that the 2020 elections were “the best-administered and most secure in United States history.”

Jared Marcotte, who founded The Turnout in 2015, wrote a white paper titled “UOCAVA Electronic Ballot Transmission, Recommendations to Mitigate Security Risks” in 2019. The document encourages electronic ballot delivery to military voters and electronic ballot return, but acknowledges there are still significant security concerns with electronic voting.

Interestingly enough – the paper was supported by the Democracy Fund. And as real cyber security safeguards continue to be nothing more than a fiction parroted by the propaganda media, an unprecedented number of UOCAVA ballots were returned in 2020 – and to no one’s surprise — they heavily favored democrats. It appears Democracy Fund knows who to financially back.

The vulnerabilities of the RABET-V program are alarming. Facilitating the study and integration of various software technologies, when coupled with surveillance data from Albert Sensors, leave the manipulation of our elections wide open to captured government agencies. The same agencies that have already classified those that question the integrity of our elections as a domestic terror threat.

As has been suspected from the outset – CIS is touted as a quasi-governmental group partnered with the Department of Homeland Security to “protect our elections.” But in reality, CIS is just another compromised arm of the leftist NGO machine with their deep ties to the Democracy Fund. CIS endorses compromised non-voting election technology and electronic voting systems, which their employees and partners also happen to own.

It’s another revolving door of corruption masked behind a labyrinth of shell companies and leftist NGOs.

Tweet exposing leftist NGO funding of CIS censored within hours