In a recently published puff piece, New Mexico’s Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver was given the opportunity to thumb her nose at genuine concerns over the fact that New Mexico does not have honest elections and try to drum up fear over AI-generated conservative memes.
The best quote in the article was Maggie calling the perceived need for using identification to cast a ballot an “urban legend:”
There have always been urban legends about elections. I started this work in 2007, there was a lot of concern about the need for government-issued voter ID and voter fraud. That narrative has never quite gone away, but we were able to have civil, intellectual policy disagreements. Over the years, I think that narrative died down through making our processes more transparent, bringing people in, inviting people in, meeting with stakeholders — major political parties and other election-related folks.
After patting herself on the back for all the gaslighting work she did between 2007 and 2020 to get New Mexicans to calm down about their demands for Voter ID, Maggie goes on to decry the 2020 election. Since that election she has had to spend significant amounts of time convincing the public that the elections she runs are honest – which has destroyed her personal peace. It is no surprise that throughout the article Maggie talks like an entitled princess with scorn for her subjects, rather than a public servant.
In the four years since the 2020 election, polling consistently shows that a solid majority of Americans from all political parties expect cheating to affect the outcome of the 2024 election. Despite this massive crisis of confidence, speaking like a true narcissist, Maggie insists that most people are simply wrong – the elections she runs are perfectly safe.
Maggie cited her work in “making [her] processes more transparent” as the reason we don’t need voter ID, but she failed to mention the fact that she has since spearheaded legislation to hide all election records from the public, making investigations into ongoing fraud occurring in New Mexico’s elections all but impossible.
Outside of Maggie’s puff piece dreamland, the reality is that without a Voter ID requirement, cheating in New Mexico’s elections is actually incredibly easy – and it has been proven to be happening.
To steal votes in an election in New Mexico, a bad actor simply needs a copy of the voter rolls – which anyone can get. Then they can choose the entries of registered voters who don’t regularly vote, go into any polling place and cast a ballot in that person’s name. They could repeat this process as many times throughout the month-long voting period as there are voting locations and shift changes. They could pay people to expand this process to put unpopular candidates over the edge of victory. No one would be able to prove who had cast the fraudulent votes, and it’s unlikely they would ever get caught.
We know this exact thing is happening in New Mexico because the Otero County Audit of the 2020 Election revealed that 4 percent of votes cast in Otero County during the 2020 election were not cast by the voter, but by someone else using their name, and many of these votes were cast in person.
The New Mexico legislature has been urged to move on this issue and enact Voter ID to protect from this type of fraud, but the people we’re sending to Santa Fe appear to be as monumentally naïve as Maggie. They must think that everyone will always just be honest and not attempt to sway an election or pay others to sway an election for them.
Unfortunately, that is a terrible assumption: A recent poll found that 28 percent of Americans admitted that they would cheat in an election if it meant their candidate would win. This result matches closely with an earlier poll which found that 20 percent of people admitted to committing election fraud using mail-in ballots during the 2020 election.
Of course, there is also the extremely racist argument against Voter ID used by many on the radical left who claim we can’t enact it because people of color are unable to obtain IDs in significant numbers – a position held by Maggie Toulouse Oliver. This argument is made by the same people who required an ID to get into the Democrat National Convention last month – suggesting perhaps they were trying to keep people of color out of their convention?
If these people genuinely had any evidence that people of people of color are unable to get IDs, then you would expect them to be compassionately spearheading legislation to offer everyone a free ID from the Motor Vehicle Department considering there are thousands of everyday tasks that an adult would be excluded from if they don’t have an ID:

I think we all know that the reason we don’t have Voter ID in New Mexico is to facilitate election fraud as the arguments against enacting it flies in the face of the evidence and are ridiculous to any intelligent person. For context, here is a list of countries that require ID to vote, and the one that doesn’t:

Before we put Maggie’s puff-piece to rest, we need to address another misleading statement she made:
I had to do some deep consideration in 2022 as to whether or not I was going to run for reelection after everything that happened in 2020. I thought deeply about it. What really pushed me to choose to run again and to stay engaged in this work is the fact that it is more important than ever to have nonpartisan, experienced, thoughtful election administrators in this role.
The first lie in this quote from Maggie is that she wasn’t too sure if she should run for re-election. Records show that Maggie allowed a fake libertarian candidate to be placed on the ballot to draw points away from her Republican opponent. Getting something like that done would tend to suggest that she had some significant pre-planning underway and wasn’t exactly vacillating until the last minute.
The second lie in this quote is that Maggie is a “nonpartisan election administrator.” She’s so partisan that she paid for an anti-Trump billboard and made rabid anti-Trump posts on social media to let conservatives know just how much she hates them while she was the sitting Secretary of State.
Maggie is lying about Voter ID as she does so many other things. New Mexico needs Voter ID, and New Mexico needs it now.
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