Part 3: The destruction of the election franchise
By the Editor of Estancia News and Joe Hoft, guest editor
We have detailed the corruption, backroom deals, campaign contributions, and money trail of Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto in Parts 1 and 2 of this series.
- “Daniel Ivey-Soto, New Mexico’s Most Corrupt Senator.” Part 1: The election thief’s favorite NM senator is hiding his backers and clients.
- “Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, and County Clerk Amanda Askin, together Paid NM Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto $1.5 Million in Taxpayer Money– Why?” Part 2: Lucrative partisan activities.
The articles could be summarized as follows: Using taxpayer money, current Secretary of State, Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, made nearly $1 million dollars in payments to Ivey-Soto while she was the Bernalillo County clerk, and he was a sitting State Senator. And continued through concealment of Ivey-Soto’s massive conflicts of interest, paid backers, and his financial contributions/bribery to key legislative figures, he has transformed New Mexico’s election code into a fraudster’s dream.
The beneficiaries of the election code have been Dominion Voting Systems and selected, rather than elected, candidates and incumbent politicians. The losers of the ever-changing election code are proponents of transparency, accountability, and accuracy in elections.
Part 3 of our investigation will focus on what the people of New Mexico want to see happen with their elections, and what Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Ivey-Soto, and his colleagues have decided to give them instead. Namely – the SOS, Ivey-Soto and his cronies are proposing legislation that would criminalize all future investigations into election fraud in New Mexico.

Since the controversial 2020 election, there has been a groundswell in New Mexico of citizens from all parties coming together to investigate how their elections were conducted, the electronic election systems themselves, and the statutes that govern both. Massive problems have been found in the chain of custody of ballots, certification of the election machines, manipulation in the voter rolls and election results.
- New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself (, ,
- New Mexico Election Results Make No Sense – Numerous Instances of the Drop and Roll (,
- EXCLUSIVE: New Mexico Election Audit Team Identifies Chain of Custody Issues and Will Reveal More Shocking News on Monday Night (,
- EXCLUSIVE FINDING: Patterns Identified in New Mexico Voter Rolls Are Not Consistent with Random, Human Behavior – What’s Going On? (
The machines themselves have been found to make mistakes hundreds of times larger than the limit allowed by federal law. An audit in Otero County revealed that 30 percent of the people on the rolls do not live at the address where they are registered, and another 10 percent had incorrect information listed in their voting history. This included lost or dropped votes, people casting votes from addresses they weren’t registered to, and people that were found who did not know they were registered to vote. These concerns have been brought to state and local officials all over New Mexico asking for changes.
The public has proposed multiple ways the that elections could be improved. Election integrity activists in Sandoval County worked with their County Commission to craft Resolution 6-22-22.10 to put the legislature on notice of the kinds of changes the public and the commission would like to see. The list includes requiring photo ID, efficient removal of voters who have moved or passed away from the rolls, prohibiting drop boxes to combat ballot stuffing, providing photo ID when voting absentee, improvement of the chain of custody for absentee ballots, and provision of meaningful post-election audits involving at least 10 percent of all precincts prior to certification of the election. Other groups have been pushing for fully hand-counted elections with bipartisan oversight from the public.
In other words, all discernable engagement from the public in New Mexico about elections has been to demand that elections be made more secure and more trustworthy. New Mexicans should be outraged to learn that the legislation supported by the SOS, Ivey-Soto, Katy Duhigg, Leo Jaramillo, and other democrats would essentially make it legal in New Mexico to cheat in elections, but a crime to investigate that cheating. Who do they work for? Certainly not the people of New Mexico.

There are two election bills making their way through the New Mexico legislature: Senate Bill 180 and House Bill 4. Here are some of the worst parts of those bills:
Destruction of Transparency: As stated in Part 2 of this series, Ivey-Soto personally crafted the portion of SB 18 that would remove all election records from the public’s eye.
At a time when a majority of the population no longer trusts the integrity of our elections, Ivey-Soto, his colleagues, the SOS, and some county clerks think it’s a good idea to force the people they serve to just trust the output from the series of black boxes that is our election system that uses proprietary software that can never be audited independent of Dominion’s control. They will never be allowed to see the ballots that went into those boxes again. Neither would they be able to examine the canvassing documents or anything else.
Not that these corrupt politicians care, but this particular election provision violates state and federal law. The federal Election Assistance Commission’s Voluntary Voting System Guidelines have been incorporated into New Mexico statute and it states: “The voting system and voting processes are designed to provide transparency…the public can understand and verify the operations of the voting system throughout the entirety of the election.”
Ballot harvesting made legal: SB 180 contains a provision to change who can deliver absentee ballots from only a close family member of the voter to anyone with which they have a relationship. The term “relationship” is so amorphous that the new provision would effectively legalize ballot harvesting. For example, any employee at a nursing home could claim to have a relationship with all the patients. They could suggest or force them to fill out ballots, which could then be delivered to the nearest drop box by the employee. Additionally, a social worker could claim to have a relationship with every resident of a low-income housing facility. They could suggest or force them to fill out ballots and deliver them to the nearest drop box. Both situations have been well-documented to be occurring in other states.
Forcing internet-connection to election equipment in all counties: SB 180 would force all counties to use internet-connected electronic pollbooks. These pieces of equipment are extremely vulnerable and leave New Mexico elections open to monitoring and manipulation.
All future elections will “stop counting” in the middle of the night: Many people remember how they felt when they learned that all of the swing states would “stop counting” on election night 2020, then they woke up to flipped results the following morning. This process was repeated in the 2022 election in several jurisdictions. SB 180 would require a statutory pause in producing results at 11 pm on election night, ensuring that New Mexicans go to sleep not knowing the results of their election. That is not an exercise most people want to repeat indefinitely.
Criminalizing investigations or analysis of the voter rolls: HB 4 would make it a felony to use the voter rolls for anything other than election campaigning. So, door-to-door canvassing to determine the accuracy of the rolls, which has been done for years in New Mexico, would become a fourth-degree felony and subject citizen investigators to enormous fines. Even doing mathematical analysis on the data in the rolls would be considered an improper use of the data and subject anyone who made a graph of the rolls to enormous fines and a felony charge.
Estancia News is aware that voter roll data is often used by left-wing organizations to solicit people to register to vote, or to conduct surveys about voting behavior and attitude toward policies. We wonder if there will be a two-tiered system of justice when it comes to enforcing this provision on the use of the rolls?
Automatic voter registration: Essentially, everyone who walks into a DMV would be automatically registered to vote. They can only opt out after returning a postcard that will get mailed to them. Even then, complaints have been documented across the nation showing that “opting out” in some cases, is impossible.
Registrations will be accepted without a social security number filled in: Yes, SB 180 really says that. The only piece of information that is hard to get can be left blank on the form.
Permanent drop boxes and more of them: HB 4 would make Mark Zuckerberg’s drop boxes a permanent feature in New Mexico and increase their number.
The SOS, Ivey-Soto, Duhigg, and Jaramillo should be ashamed of themselves. It is clear they don’t work for the people of New Mexico, but rather are doing everything they can to increase election fraud in New Mexico and punish anyone who would question them. New Mexican voters will need to make their voices heard now, and every day, during the current legislative session, and demand that the clerks and commissions that administer and certify their elections oppose these bills. The fate of New Mexico will depend on it.
This is the third article in a series on Daniel Ivey-Soto. Now read the fourth and last part in the series:
The public can provide tips to the Estancia News concerning this or other stories by sending an email to: [email protected].
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