Opinion | New Mexico will Get Voter ID and Our Corrupt SOS and Captured Legislature Won’t Be Able to Stop It

January 30, 2025


Erin Clements


An incredible thing happened last week that no one is talking about – the entire country, including New Mexico, is about to get Voter ID. It doesn’t take much reading between the lines to discern this.

Last week, President Trump visited the fire-devastated areas of California where he schooled the incompetent “elected” leadership in their handling of the disaster. Trump identified the problems quickly. Terrible water management and fire suppression infrastructure maintenance, and restrictive rules that would prevent those affected from immediately starting to rebuild their homes. President Trump got the LA Mayor, Karen Bass, to reverse policy on live TV and agree to let property owners access their property immediately when she had planned to keep them out for 18 months for their “safety.”

President Donald Trump Official Inauguration Photo

But one thing he accomplished on that trip that isn’t getting enough attention, is that he will use the power of the purse to force California’s corrupt politicians to hold legitimate elections. He stated in an interview, “I want to see two things in Los Angeles. Voter ID, so that the people have a chance to vote, and I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state,” Trump said. “Those are the two things. After that, I will be the greatest president that California has ever seen.”

The only reason useless people like Newsome and Moss are still in charge of anything is California’s fake elections – where almost all the ballots are mailed in, no ID is required, and the election officials “count ballots” for a month after each election or however long it takes for the most incompetent candidate to come out on top. Implementing Voter ID is a huge step in the right direction to reversing course on California’s election circus, and giving the people a chance to have their real voices heard and not be covered up by fraudulent ballots.

It seems obvious that Trump is not going to force this issue only in California, he will force it in every state that doesn’t have Voter ID that takes federal money to stay afloat – which is all of them, but especially New Mexico. New Mexico is the second-most federally dependent state in the union.

Our ultra-corrupt, Soros-funded Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver has tried to brainwash New Mexicans for years that Voter ID just isn’t required. In fact, according to Maggie, Voter ID is an urban legend. Maggie needs you to believe that there is just no one out there mean enough to cheat in elections – especially no one on the list of 100,000 people she invited to register to vote just before the 2024 election, which included illegal aliens using fraudulent addresses. They might break immigration law and borrow other people’s addresses, but they would never cast a fraudulent ballot!

Maggie Toulouse Oliver

The real reason radical democrats are so desperate to keep Voter ID out of the states they control—is that they cheat—and they cheat big. They need you to believe that there is a large suicidal contingent inside the United States who don’t want borders, love inflation, and will willingly give up all their property to reduce the carbon footprint. Ironically, the criminal negligence of officials that caused the enormous and devastating fires in California has completely negated efforts to reduce carbon consumption in that state.

It is worth noting that the only states Kamala Harris “won” in 2024 were all states that have no Voter ID requirement:


I am very much looking forward to the day when President Trump lets our corrupt state leaders know that they will have to implement Voter ID or forfeit the federal cash cow they’ve grown to depend on. They will have a choice: Throw New Mexico into deeper poverty to keep their positions through fraudulent elections, or they can implement Voter ID, which will be the equivalent of signing their own pink slips. I don’t think they’re smart enough, but they could always save themselves the humiliation and use the present legislative session to implement Voter ID now. But either way, it’s going to happen.

Getting honest elections back in New Mexico will also curtail the problem of corruption and incompetence in leadership as those people would never get elected in the first place, or last very long if they do.